Hello all incoming students!
I am Marek Romasek and I happen to be a member of Erasmus Club of Faculty of Science at Charles University in Prague! My duty is to keep you informed about activities that we, I mean Erasmus Club, are preparing for you all…
Firstly, I would like to strongly recommend that you sign for the next week’s Orientation Day at the Konrad Brewery (Thursday, 29.9.). It is an official event where you get to know not only your colleagues, but also very useful stuff about sports, trips and organization at our uni and finally, the beer provided at the brewery is splendid (I went last year, that’s why I insist that you come). I believe that you all received a mail about exact meeting time and place, in case you didn’t, ask me! It’s not an obligatory event but think of it as if it were!
Then, at the very beginning of the semester (Monday, 3.10.), we organize an event called Orientation Afternoon (see, after passing these two events, you will most probably be oriented more than enough — but do not confuse these two events, they provide completely different information). This will be a walk around the Faculty Campus. We will visit (or just pass by) all the important buildings and facilities, we will visit menza (= canteen for students), botanical garden (briefly) and other places depending on time available and your interest, of course. You will get some maps (handmade) and have a chance to get your ISIC card right away (hopefully). Again, I can only recommend this to you — the area around the faculty is full of interesting places that most of students don’t have an idea about.
Time and meeting place will be explicitly stated later — just keep yourself free of any plans this afternoon! (I mean, first day of school is not so much important as you might think — but if you know that you are missing some important classes, we can discuss it individually and find a way not to miss either of the two events:-) ).
After this Orientation Afternoon we will together visit our cherished faculty pub, Mrtvá Ryba (The Dead Fish in English). I don’t only recommend this because of the pub itself, but also we will discuss some future trips and events there which you might be interested in!
That’s all for the events. But I’d like to inform you about our Facebook page (I suppose most of you use this social network, to those who don’t I owe deepest respect).
The group is called Erasmus Club — winter 2011 — Faculty of Science CU in Prague, try this link http://www.facebook.com/groups/160189550724426/
… or just type some of the words into the search field…
The Facebook page is ideal for posting your opinions, wishes, questions, doubts and also for organizing some minor events together. Again, those who don’t facebook, have an opportunity to stay connected through our official site erasmusclub.natur.cuni.cz, where all the events will be posted as well.
29.9. Brewery Trip — Orientation Day
3.10. Orientation Afternoon, The Dead Fish pub
Facebook page!
I hope you will enjoy your stay here and that we’ll enrich ourselves mutually, because that’s what it’s all about!
If you find the mail confusing or have any other question, don’t hesitate to send me an email or use the FB page (or this page, of course).
Best regards