Warning: The prices and demand for accommodation have increased dramatically in Prague in 2022. It is very hard to find an accommodation (even for Czech students), thus we highly recommend you to start as soon as possible. / Czech students and dormitories under pressure as rental inflation surges [October 2022]
Many foreign students want to live in the center of Prague, but they usually do not know that: 1) Public transport (metro, buses, trams, trains) in Prague is one of the best in the world!! – you will be quickly at Uni, even if you live further from the center like many Czech students. – 2) To rent a room/flat in the center of Prague is expensive unless you search thoroughly with a dose of luck.
Thinking about the location of your accommodation, it is good to consider your everyday route to the faculty. We mostly get to the metro stations Karlovo náměstí or I. P. Pavlova and then we walk to the faculty (especially to Viničná 5 or Viničná 7 biology buildings). To reach Albertov 6 (geography / geology) or Hlavova 8 (chemistry) buildings, it is more comfortable to take a tram to Albertov tram station, then you walk few metres to the faculty buildings.

Here, we would like to provide info about two main types of accommodation, in dormitories and shared flats 🙂
Halls of residence = dormitories
Student accommodation in dorms is provided by Charles University. You can find detailed info about dormitories on the University web and on the Dormitories and Refectories web. You should pay attention to: night quiet hours, office hours of the Accommodation Office, be prepared (Google translator/Buddy) that not always the receptionist speaks English, payment requirements. You can expect one/two/three bedroom units with a shared kitchen and bathroom. Rooms are equipped with basic furniture (bed, wardrobe, writing desk, chair), however cooking utensils (plates, mugs, cutlery…) are usually not included.

Major dormitories for Erasmus students are: Hvězda (1), Větrník (2), Trója (3), Hostivař (4). The location of the Faculty of Science (5) is added.

Accommodation scholarship
Charles University pays out the accommodation scholarship to all Erasmus+ students of Charles University. Students do not need to apply for it; each student will receive by default 500 CZK/month. It is paid out in cash to Erasmus+ students of CU at any major branch of the Komerční banka a.s. in the last 2 months of each semester. All Erasmus+ students are informed via e-mail once the scholarship is available.
(Shared) flats
While searching for private housing, be aware of scams!! Do not pay deposit in advance, only when you arrive in Prague in the flat. One of the first steps of Erasmus students is usually to ask in a facebook group called e.g. Erasmus accommodation in Prague. You likely find here former Erasmus students offering their spots, but very probably in the group full of foreigners searching for a room/flat, there will be scammers too…
So, maybe better to try to find an accommodation in one of the facebook groups in Czech. Of course, here can be scammers too, but with much lower probability. Sometimes, people ask in English in these groups, so it should not be a problem to search here 🙂
- Translated – Lodging / Renting rooms WITHOUT ESTATE AGENCY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/pronajembytu
- Translated – Living PRAHA: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bydlenihlmpraha
- Translated – Cheap flats, living together: https://www.facebook.com/groups/526000657505210
- Translated – Living in PRAHA / living together, renting: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PrahaBydleni
- Translated – Praha – Living together, renting… : https://www.facebook.com/groups/126198231421193
- Translated – Living in Prague: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bydlenivpraze
- Translated – Living together Praha / renting… : https://www.facebook.com/groups/prahaspolubydleni
We also highly recommend a web, where Czech people search for accessible accommodation: https://www.bezrealitky.com/ (“bez realitky” = without real estate agency -> cheaper, you usually communicate directly with an owner)
Other websites that offer private rooms/flats can be helpful: