The dates of the exams are usually announced few weeks before the exam period. Professors announce several terms of the exam in SIS and you can choose one and book it in SIS. You have the right to do the exam three times.

The courses are concluded by either Zkouška (abbreviation Zk, in English exam = Ex) or by Zápočet (abbreviation Z, in English credit = C). According to the type of conclusion (Ex, C) the requirements to pass the course can be different. You can find details in SIS in the description of the course. You can see the results of your exam (1/2/3/4) or credit (if you passed or not) in SIS.

Exam is mostly harder to pass, the examination can be oral, written (multiple-choice, essay, open questions, etc.) or combined. If you pass, you receive ECTS points and a grade (1/2/3/4).

Credit is a kind of confirmation that you completed the course. If you pass, you receive only ECTS points, not a grade!! The professor gives you ECTS points if you fulfil determined requirements e.g. a presentation of an article, – % attendance, homework, essays during the semester etc.

Grading system at our facultyIts equivalent
1 = ExcellentA/B
2 = Very goodC/D
3 = GoodE
4 = FailF
Pass (in case of Credit you receive only ECTS points without a mark)Pass

ECTS = European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System