Internet access
To be able to use information technologies within Charles University, a login and password are needed. At the end of Orientation days, you will receive an ISIC card with your ID number (below your photo), a login, and an initial password, which is valid for 5 days and serves solely to set up a verified password, which is valid for 365 days. You can change temporary password, reset a forgotten password, renew a recently expired password, etc. on this webpage:
Registered login and password enable you to:
- log in to Student Information System (SIS) – to access your schedule, subjects, results, etc.
- log in to Moodle – to access study materials of your courses, etc.
- set a faculty email in the form (you can log in on or at
- access many scientific journal publications (institutional login)
- log in to computers in faculty computer classrooms/study rooms and use storage space
- use faculty cloud systems such as Google Workspace or Microsoft 365 for free
- use software licences
Internet access is provided by the Eduroam wireless network available in most of Charles University buildings as well as dormitories and several other institutions in Prague. The guide on how to connect your device (mobile phone, notebook, tablet, etc.) to Eduroam is described on this webpage:
If you are having trouble connecting to Eduroam using these instructions, please contact the Faculty IT Help Desk on
Computer rooms
Computer classrooms at the faculty are rooms full of computers, which students usually do not have access to unless they have a lesson with a professor:
- classroom B5 (110) located in Viničná 7, 1st floor – 19 terminals
- classroom B311 (311) located in Viničná 7, 3rd floor – 24 notebooks
- classroom K1 located in Albertov 6, 3rd floor – 19 computers
- classroom K2 located in Albertov 6, 3rd floor – 15 computers
- classroom PUA (S01) located in Albertov 6, basement – 20 terminals
- classroom Z3 located in Albertov 6, 4th floor – 24 computers
Computer study rooms at the faculty are compared to computer classrooms designated for individual study. You can find the opening hours, which can change during the year together with other information on the webpage:
The computer study rooms are mostly a part of a faculty library, an area with several computers:
- study room located in the Library of Biology, Viničná 7, 1st floor – 17 terminals
- study room located in the Library of Chemistry, Hlavova 8, basement – 8 terminals
- study room located in the Library of Geology, Albertov 6, ground floor – 8 terminals
- study room located in Albertov 6, 4th floor (next to Z3 classroom) – 25 terminals
Using computers at the faculty may be a little challenging since there is a Czech version of Windows. To log into the system, use the same login and password as to log in to SIS. Alternatively, you can use your email in the form and the same password. After 10 unsuccessful login attempts, your account will be locked for 30 min.
You have also the possibility to save your data. Your local disc J: accessible only for your account enables you to save your data up to 200 MB (400 MB for geographers). Whereas the disc T: is freely accessible to everyone at the Faculty of Science and it is regularly deleted. Discs S: and V: contain data necessary for teaching. These discs are accessible from all computers at the faculty except terminals.
To log out, press “Start” button (with the “Windows” logo in the left bottom corner of your screen) and then in the menu “Vypnout” (turn off) choose “Odhlásit se” (log out). To turn computer off just click directly on “Vypnout” (turn off).
Printing services
Students who want to use the printing services of the Faculty of Science, need an ISIC card (issued by CU) and some money on their “printing” MyQ account (which is separate from the canteen or dorm account).

Self-service printing, copying, scanning, etc. are provided by the MyQ system, which is software operating for the whole faculty. MyQ account is automatically created for all students at the faculty and will be automatically closed in 3 months from ending their studies – any account balance will be forfeited after the 3 months. A cash withdrawal is possible at the Information technology division (CIT) with your ISIC card.
To put some money on a MyQ account, students can use the slot machines located in the computer study room (Albertov 6, 4th floor) or in the Library of Biology in room 101 (Viničná 7, 1st floor). (When you place your ISIC card to the MyQ sensor, a menu in Czech appears. Put some money into the machine and then click on “Odhlásit bez účtenky” to log you out.)
Notice: The slot machines return neither coins nor banknotes! Alternatively, students can ask librarians in the Library of Chemistry (Hlavova 8, in the basement) to put some money in their accounts.
There are several places at the Faculty of Science, where the printing services are provided:
Location | Device | Printing services | Paper sizes | Print queue |
Computer study room (A6) | HP LJ P4515 (black and white printer) | printing | A4 | HP_BW |
Computer study room (A6) | HP LJ M551 (colour printer) | printing | A4 | HP_Colour |
Library of Biology (V7) | HP LJ P3015 (black and white printer) | printing | A4 | HP_BW |
Library of Biology (V7) | Aficio MP 2851 (black and white copy machine) | copying | A4, A3 | – |
Library of Geography (A6) | Aficio MP 2852 (black and white copy machine) | printing, copying | A4, A3 | Ricoh |
Library of Geography (A6) | Ricoh MP C2004eX (colour copy machine) | printing, copying | A4, A3 | Ricoh |
Library of Chemistry (H8) | Konica Minolta c258 (colour copy machine) | printing, copying | A4, A3 | Minolta |
Library of Geology (A6) | Konica Minolta c224 (colour copy machine) | printing, copying | A4, A3 | Minolta |
The prices are united for all printing devices at the faculty. Copying and printing are paid, and scanning is free.
1 black and white sheet | 1 black and white sheet | 1 colour sheet | 1 colour sheet | |
Single side | Duplex | Single side | Duplex | |
A4 | 1 CZK | 2 CZK | 5 CZK | 10 CZK |
A3 | 2 CZK | 4 CZK | 10 CZK | 20 CZK |
Printing instructions: Log in at the desktop computer in a computer study room. Find a document to print. Click on File —> Print or Ctrl + P. Choose the correct device and a print queue and check the settings. Send the document to the print queue of the device. Go to the device and place your ISIC card to the sensor. The display will show you documents to print, the balance on your MyQ account, the price for printing services, etc. At this moment, you can also edit or stop the printing. A fee is charged only for printed sheets (printed blank sheets of paper will be also charged!), not for documents in a print queue. Unprinted documents remain in the print queue for only 1 hour and then they are deleted. Do not forget to log out of the desktop computer and of the printing device!