General information about Courses for Erasmus students is provided by the Faculty of Science (Prague 2). Check here the complete list of courses guaranteed to be taught in English as well as the list of courses related to your major. In the table listing courses, each subject has a unique code (e.g. MB150P83E), which is recommended to be used when searching for additional information. Pay attention to the type of course conclusion (Ex/C) and grading system. All courses have to be recorded in Student Information System (SIS), where you can find complete information about your course (ECTS, hours/week, semester, teacher, language, annotation, literature, requirements to the exam, syllabus etc.). By clicking on the teacher’s name, you can display his contacts. When you log in to SIS (you will get access after the Orientation days), you are allowed to see additional details as course statistics or importantly schedule. When you click on the subject in your schedule, you can see more details containing the classroom (use these maps to find it) and also enumerated days and times (recommended to check due to Czech public holidays or early termination) the course takes place. If you would like to see the schedule earlier, we describe a method (not to be 100% sure) in the pdf document added at the end of this page.
Generally, there are 2 types of courses: lectures and practical courses. In the schedule displayed by SIS, lectures are depicted in dark blue, whereas regular practical courses are depicted in light blue. Short-term practical courses (usually for a week) are depicted in pink.
Czech language courses for Erasmus students of the Faculty of Science are provided by the Third Faculty of Medicine (Prague 10). The enrolment allows you to receive 5 ECTS. However, enrolment fee is required. We recommend signing up for the course of the Czech language and get a slight understanding of the Slavic languages´ complexity 🙂
Evaluation of teaching: At the end of each semester, students at the Faculty of Science have a possibility to evaluate the classes they took (they receive an email request with a link). You can read the feedback, when you log in HERE. The log in and password is the same you use to log in to SIS. There are sometimes very useful pieces of information in the feedback e.g. about the exam, recommended study materials or students’ personal experience. Note: This feedback (evaluation of teaching) is different from the one we provide on our web ACTIVITIES -> FEEDBACK. Evaluation of teaching is official faculty survey send to all students, whereas our feedback is the result of our own Google form in order to improve our activities and inform future Erasmus students (We are sad that only few students provided feedback in the last semesters).
Cultural note: The courses start on time (usually). We are aware of students coming from “no stress” countries, where time is considered to be undefined quantity. The first 15 min of a course is not a coffee break. Teachers can be a bit angry when you come late. Unfortunately, we listened to an Erasmus student complaining about a teacher, who locked the door at the beginning of the lecture. So, rather to mention it here. 😉