Except for us, Erasmus club 🙋‍♀️ 🌍, other clubs operate at the Faculty of Science. Here we mention clubs that can be interesting for international students at our faculty.

BC Přírodní Vědy 🏀

The faculty basketball club is a part of the Prague’s Basketball unit. The team is composed of enthusiastic students at Faculty of Science. They train every week. Fans are always welcome! Their instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bc_prirodni_vedy/

Floorball Club FSc CUNI 🏑

The faculty floorball club is formed from tallented players studying at our faculty. They train every Tuesday at 8 pm in SCUK. They are keen on welcome new team members and their fans to support them during matches. Their instagram: https://www.instagram.com/florbal_prirodoveda/

Volleyball Club 🏐

The Faculty of Science has also its own volleyball club, which represent the faculty on Prague’s tournaments. They train two times a week. New members with previous volleyball experience are welcome as well as fans. Their web: https://pv-volejbal.cz/

Hiking Club FSc CUNI 🥾

A group of hiking lovers organize times to times nice trips around the Czech Republic, mostly one day trips. Their all events are accessible for students and friends of the Faculty of Science. The past and future events you can see here: http://tk.natoulkach.cz/

SGA Student Chapter Prague ⛏️

SGA Student Chapter Prague was founded by SGA student members from the Charles University in Prague in spring in 2002. Our specialization is the economic geology, the mineral deposits and the mineralogy and we are interested in everything associated with the mineral deposits, mining and its aspects to the human life and environment. Our task is the organization of lectures, experiences exchange and arranging of the field trips to the mineral deposits. Their web: http://sga.cuni.cz/

EGEA Praha 🗺️

A groups of locals in Prague form a part of the European Geography Association (EGEA). They organize student exchange among other EGEA regional teams in Europe, lectures and interesting events. Their web: http://egea.natur.cuni.cz/

Other clubs

If you are interested in other clubs, you can see the complete list here.