The first Erasmus evening of the semester is already this Thursday and will be all about dancing.
Come and join us to learn dances from different countries!
Apart from Czech dances mazurka and polka we will do folk dances from abroad — France, Scotland, Russia, Macedonia, Izrael, Greece, Hungary, Sweden… so something for everyone!
Time: 8.30 pm
Place: gym of the Budeč dormitory, Wenzigova 20 (because Chladič is too small for this). It’s near to I. P. Pavlova, see map here: http://mapy.cz/s/8KTn
All dances are very easy and will be taught during the evening, no need of previous experience with dancing 🙂 Also no need to come in pairs!
If you don’t fancy dancing, just come to have a chat and listen to music.
The place is a normal gym and doesn’t offer any drinks or food, so feel free to bring some along if you wish.
Voluntary entry (30 CZK recommended).
There’s new floor, so we are not allowed to enter in outdoor shoes. So please either bring some indoor shoes with you (no matter what kind, just something comfortable for dancing that doesn’t leave black stains), or dance barefoot (that’s what I usually do).
Join the event on Facebook.
Looking forward to seeing you!
P. S.: If you know any dances that you can teach us, you are more than welcome to do so!
Contact me (jlaburdova@seznam.cz), or just bring the music along on USB memory or CD and tell me during the evening.
P. P. S.: This is also the last event that I (Jishka) will be attending, because I’m going to England for the whole semester on the following Wednesday. So come to say goodbye!