All best to our fans :-), we want to kindly invite you on the next Erasmus evening regarding czech Easter.
You will get to know something about czech traditional celebration of this festivity. Do you know what ‘pomlázka’ and ‘kraslice’ is? Some czech Easter customs are really (little) bizarre… a reason why to see it.
A traditional technique of egg wax colouring will be demonstrated, with a possibility to decorate your own egg afterwards. The only thing you will need, is to bring your egg with you. Blowed if you want to keep it, boiled if you want to eat it. And then… But that’s a surprise!
Come and you will see!
PS: Both international and czech students are welcome!
The event is held in Chladic club.
Chladic club is located in the basement of Hlavova 2030/8, near tram station Albertov (trams 6, 7, 18, 24). In the building arrows will be there to guide you to the Chladic club.
See map.: