It’s time to discover secrets of our faculty!
We would like to invite you to our two museums!
Both excursions will be in the daytime 🙂
You have to register for each tour!
Chlupáčovo muzeum historie Země – the Museum of history of Earth (https://www.natur.cuni.cz/geology/museum-earth-history) is located at Albertov 6 and it is a part of the Department of geology and paleontology. If you are wondering what is Carnotaurus sastrei or how look fossils 570 millions years old, this is the right place for you!
If you are more interested in human evolution, join us for Hrdličkovo muzeum člověka – Hrdlicka museum of Man (http://muzeumcloveka.cz/en/). You will see skeletons of monkeys, apes and humans. This museum is located at Viničná 7 and it is named after one of our most famous anthropologists Aleš Hrdlička.
We will visit both museums on Friday 27 of November
For Chlupáčovo muzem at 10.45 at Albertov 6 inside the building by entrance.
For Hrdličkovo muzeum at 13.45 at Viničná 7 inside, ground floor, right side.
You have to register for each tour! Capacity is limited!
Chlupáčovo muzeum is for free, Hrdličkovo muzeum is for 80czk — it will be paid before the visit.
Sign up form for >>>Chlupáčovo muzeum<<<
Sign up form for >>>Hrdličkovo muzem<<<