Hello everyone,
I would like to invite you to ice skating. As you probably know, Czechs love ice hockey, so you should try at least ice skating!
If you don’t have ice skates, you can borrow them on site. After skating we can go to a pub and have a beer 🙂 I hope I will see you there, it will be fun!
When? Sunday, 12.3 2016 at 3:30 p.m.
Where? Hotel Hasa, Sámova 1, Praha 10 – Vršovice
How to get there? By tram, bus or train to „Nádraží Vršovice“ — find your connection.
Price: 70 CZK for skating, 80 CZK to borrow the skates, we will pay at the place.
What you need? Gloves and a warm hat.
Looking forward to see you,
Bára F.