As a student at Charles University (CU), you can borrow books for free in the CU libraries. For a small fee, you can use also the services of other libraries in Prague such as the Municipal Library of Prague or the National Technical Library.

Charles University library system

CU discovery system (UKAŽ) provides all students and staff of the Charles University with an access of all the CU information resources through a single search.

First, you need to register. You can do it online using the address: (There is unfortunately no English version of this page.) Click at „Elektronická přihláška“ and continue with logging in using your login and password (same as to log in to SIS).

Then, you have an access to your library account (sign in on the upper right corner), where you can view and renew your loans, make a reservation (request) for a document etc.

Each faculty at Charles University is endowed with its libraries. As a CU student, you can borrow books in any library at Charles University for example if the book you want is located in the library of the Faculty of Medicine, you can borrow the book with your ISIC card too.

Faculty of Science libraries

After being registered in the UKAŽ system, you can borrow books in the faculty libraries. Just give a book and your ISIC card to the librarian and your loan will be made. Be aware of the colouful labels at the books, some of the books can’t be borrowed outside the library.

Books are issued for: 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month or 5 months.

Fee for not returning a book on time is: 3 CZK / document / day

Libraries at the Faculty of Science are located in the campus:

Number on
the map
1Library of Biology Viničná 7, 1st floor
2Library of the Institute for Environmental StudiesBenátská 2, ground floor
3Library of GeographyAlbertov 6, 2nd floor
4Library of GeologyAlbertov 6, ground floor
5Library of ChemistryHlavova 8, ground floor

Other libraries in Prague

Municipal Library of Prague (Městská knihovna v Praze)

The Municipal Library of Prague offers mainly books in Czech language, however you may find there books in other languagues too. It has many branches spread all over Prague. It is a nice calm place, where to study. Do not forget to check opening hours of the branch. The registration fee for a year is 80 CZK.

National Technical Library (Národní technická knihovna)

The National Technical Library is located in a modern building in Technická 6 street in Dejvice (metro line A). The library is perfectly equipped for study, moreover you can stay overnight. And the procedure of returning a book here is surprisingly satisfying! Registration procedure is described HERE.

Language note

In Czech alphabet we have a letter ch (x in IPA, sound), which we consider as an independent letter. So, don’t be confused if you ever notice an alphabetical list with suddenly appearing c in the middle — it’s not c but ch 🙂

Order of the letters in Czech alphabet: A B C Č D E F G H Ch I J K L M N O P Q R Ř S Š T U V W X Y Z Ž

Keep it in mind when searching for a book in a Czech library. For example, a publication written by Chargaff, Erwin will be located between H and I sections.

Just a matter of interest, Czech script consists of 42 characters: a á b c č d ď e é ě f g h ch i í j k l m n ň o ó p q r ř s š t ť u ú ů v w x y ý z ž.