Orientation Afternoon, February 24th
Dear incoming students, I am Marek Romášek, the organizer of a little but important event called the Orientation Afternoon, to which I am inviting you all.
Our faculty is located in many individual buildings and centres and sometimes it is quite hard to find what you are looking for. You can always explore on your own or with your buddy but now you have the opportunity to see all the facilities and get some useful information all at once at the start of the semester.
It will be basically a short sightseeing tour, no big deal, no exhausting information — just a pleasant walk around the beautiful but complex campus. We will start our tour on February 24th right after you have finished your programme in the Erasmus office, which means approximately at 1 pm.
Then, depending on your hunger, we will go together to the university canteen or start exploring the corners of Botanical garden of our faculty which lies next to the Erasmus office. We will then visit departments of Geography, Chemistry, Geology, Botany and Environmental Sciences, Biology, the garden and many points of interests that lie between them, such as pubs, snack bars, shops and orientation points. Along the way, we`ll give you useful directions to metro stations and tram stops. It also depends on your personal interest — for example, we don`t need to visit depatment of Physical Chemistry if there`s no such student among us, right? 🙂 We would also like to show you some places to chill out, to breathe some fresh air… simply — anything that comes to your or my mind.
The sightseeing walk will conclude approximately at 16pm (or earlier, again, it depends on the weather, your interest, our thirst and many other factors) in the students` bar Mrtvá Ryba (Dead Fish) which is also a crucial element of our faculty.
If you have any questions about the event, feel free to ask me or add some comment. I hope you will find the time for this walk, and I am looking forward to seeing you. (I am hoping to meet many of you already on the trip to Šumava).
Best regards
Marek Romášek