Farewell Barbecue in the Botanical Garden

Dear Erasmus students.

We would like to invite you to an informal farewell party which will take place in the Botanical Garden of our faculty (the precise location can be seen on the map).

The picnic starts at 5 pm and depending on the weather, we will stay outside or move to a greenhouse nearby.

Some wine and non-alcoholic drinks will be provided as well as some food for barbecue — meat for carnivores and vegetables for herbivores. And bread for everyone. But we of course encourage you to bring some food and delicious beverages of your choice.

Spread the news among all your friends — faculty colleagues, buddies, visitors (I mean parents or siblings), roomates etc.

And last but not least, be sure to bring some musical instrument!

We’re looking forward to seeing you and we’d like you to post a comment below this article here or on facebook so that we know approximately how many of you are coming! Thanks a lot.

Yours sincerely
Erasmus Club members