Hello eveyone,
let me invite you to a weekend hiking trip in a beautiful nature of České středohoří. Days are still kind of sunny and warm and the weather forecast for next weekend looks good, so it would be pitty if we won’t utilize it! Next weekend, 5. – 7. 11. 2021, we are going to a small village called Velemín, where our beloved Faculty of Science has a terrain base.
The plan is following:
Departure is from Prague main train station on Friday afternoon (around 3pm/4pm). We arrive to the base and we have two choices – make some meal together or go to find a restaurant and eat there (vote in enclosed questionnaire). Please keep in mind that the kitchen (in the base where we are staying) is extra small so if we want to cook individually, it would take forever. Then in the evening we can have some beers and chat/play some boardgames/whatever you want.
Hiking trip in the neighborhood, the route is about 15km and it might be raining, so please take a good shoes and raincoat with you (if you don’t have a raincoat, just mention that in the questionnaire), please don’t forget some extra clothes if we get wet. On the way should be some pubs/restaurants, but due to covid they might be closed so lunch in a restaurant is unsure (in any case please take some snack with you). After we come back to our base, we can have some meal together/go again to the restaurant and after that we will have some resting programme (in case of nice weather in the evening we can have a camp fire).
We wake up, clean up the house and slowly move to Pague by train (no rush is needed).
Some more important info:
The base is nice old house with garden, small kitchen, bathroom and rooms for us. It’s needed to take slippers and sleeping bag/warm blanket with you, because we can’t walk in the interiour with boots on (and the floor is really cold) and in the rooms are only beds without blankets/pillows/sheets. In the village are some restaurants/pubs where we can eat or have a beer, but we are not sure if it’s open (due to covid). Anyways, there is a shop near our base so we can buy some food/drinks if we need it (and they have really wide offer). Please note you have to supply yourself on your own, we don’t provide food, unless we agree on it (like the mentioned dinner we can make together).
Price of the trip:
For those who have valid ISIC card – 400 CZK
For those who don’t have any discount card – 600 CZK
In the price of the trip is not included food, drinks and tickets for a bus (the bus tickets should not be more than 70 CZK for the whole weekend).
If you are interested, please fill in this questionnaire. The capacity is small, we have space only for around 12 or 13 of you. Please be sure you have time and you really want to go, so you won’t block the spot.
We are looking forward to meeting you on the trip!! 🙂